i've spent a lot of my life on the fringe of society.

free time spent chasing dreams that may or may not come true.
regretting nothing, because all choices and pursuits have led me to this simple life.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pitchin at Pee Pee's

Not gonna lie, too much sun and too much booze on the 4th left me feeling less than energetic. Did a two hour bike ride on the ATV trails, hoping that would snap me out of my stupor, but no.
No motivation to go anywhere major.

With thunderstorms threatening, I opted to pitch a tent at Penny's.
We sat on the back porch, eating strawberry shortcake and conversing about life in general.

When dark fell, I crawled into my tent and hoped for a T-Storm to break the crazy humidity. No luck.

The good news: on my bike ride yesterday I found a river island. Hopefully going to hit that up tonight.


  1. so, you can shave your head, but not your face? what's with that?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Since when did JC Penny start serving strawberry shortcakes to PI's homeless crowd?? Man, I left at a bad time!

  4. he's not homeless Sarah. Tenting is the original mobile home :)
