Stayed on the Aroostook last night somewhere off Parsons Road. The picture of the amazing sunset you see was right before the rain came. I didn't realize there was a gap between my rain fly and the screen and I got wet. During the night I had two encounters.
Early on, somewhere around midnight, I had something big by my tent, as I could hear it's sniffing and breathing. No tracks this morning that I could find in the softer part of the gravel about 10 feet or so from my tent, so I really don't know what it was. I was a tad nervous for a few minutes. It's all part of the experience though...kind of cool in retrospect.
Beginning about an hour or so after that,I had either muskrats or otters around me all night. I must have set up camp right next to their dwelling, because they kept walking right by and bumping into my tent. Are there even otters in northern maine? That's a question for you wildlife experts, I guess. All I know is that it was some kind of large rodent. They made little whining noises.
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