I looked at it long enough.
I decided to take out my new bike on its maiden voyage last night.
It is fast.
The bad side to the whole thing, is that because of this, I left my tent set up at Penny's for the second day in a row...which...you guessed it.
My arch-rival, the Aroostook Earwig, had again infiltrated my fortress.
Spent the next hour exterminating and removing...then shut my light off.
An hour later, I turned my light on, and found 6 more.
Where the hell were they getting in?
Upon closer inspection, I realized that there's a small gap where the two zippers meet, and my tent is a 2 door. 2 holes for those little beasts to come in.
I took toothpaste and plugged the holes, and that seemed to do the trick!
The toothpaste would make a later appearance though, in an unexpected place.
Someone behind me in the DD line this morning told me that I had something on the back of my head.
It wasn't just something, it was a big ass gob of toothpaste.
How did it get there? I'll never know...but at least I'm Colgate Fresh!
Ah, the joys of tenting.
did it look like a "something about mary" glob?