i've spent a lot of my life on the fringe of society.

free time spent chasing dreams that may or may not come true.
regretting nothing, because all choices and pursuits have led me to this simple life.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm sitting by the fire at camp on a sunny, blue sky morning.
About 8 inches of snow fell yesterday.

Every time I come here to our cabin in the mountains, I can't help but realize how much happier I am in such a basic setting. Here, civilization as we know it could be destroyed and I wouldn't have a clue as I went about the daily tasks of preparing food, shoveling, and getting wood and water.

We have so many "things" in our society. "This new ___ will make my life so much easier, and save me so much more time and money!"

I ask, how could things get any easier for us, and what are we REALLY going to do with our spare time?
We live in a world where everything is instantaneous. The only reason we work a zillion hours a week, is to afford the things that we don't need.

If we are lucky enough to have a day without work, our technology make it easy for us to misuse our spare time. God did not intend us to spend an entire saturday watching tv. And people wonder why they feel so lethargic, sitting around for an entire day. You string a couple of those days together, and lethargy turns into depression.

I think we need to go back a hundred years. You don't have time to be depressed when there's wood to be chopped, because let's face it, if you don't chop that wood, your going to die of hypothermia.

The formula is simple.
Stop it.
Do you NEED 300 channels? Do you NEED a new car when yours works fine and is paid off?
Edward Abbey said,"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell."

In this American society where bigger better faster stronger is the attitude, scale it back.
Enjoy life at the slower pace it was intended to be lived at!


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