i've spent a lot of my life on the fringe of society.

free time spent chasing dreams that may or may not come true.
regretting nothing, because all choices and pursuits have led me to this simple life.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Sad Part

The sad part....
Isn't that I'm leaving my little hole in the wall after 8 months there- it's that packed, my apartment doesn't look much different than it did not packed.

I move all my junk to storage monday morning, and then I am officially homeless.
"And the road becomes my bride". Thank you, Metallica.

Oh, I have decided to up the ante on this little experience. What true mountain man vagabond has a vehicle? Get rid of that.
It's in Turner, awaiting sale. Money in the bank.

Also, the beard won! I said polls would close on the 30th, but it was a landslide in favor of, and I wanted to start emphasizing the new poll.
Don't forget to get your vote in on the side bar for my first night out...We're only a couple of days away now, so I need to know whether I'm staying by a field, on a mountain, a river island, or by a lake!

Have a good weekend!


  1. Obviously a river island - 'cause you have to cross the river first and that could be hilarious all on its own! :D

  2. it still won't let me vote even though i am signed in... i vote river island or lakeside. source of water might be calming in case you get any middle of the night self-doubts... not that you ever have any of those... or you know you could just bathe in it. water = generally a good thing.

  3. Hmm, still not sure i like the beard idea, but i suppose if the poll says so..... I wonder if i could have voted more times than once....you know, i'm probably the only one that voted that has to see you everyday!...LOL
