Well, folks, this is it.
The end of Tentman, Aroostook County edition.
On November 6th, this saturday, I will be leaving The County for the big race in Mexico.
I will not be returning...at least to live anyways.
The Life of Kale R Poland continues on its long, strange trip.
I moved here on a leap of faith. Tired of big box retail and corporate nonsense, I came here, knowing that anything I happened upon for a job would be better than what I was doing.
It was pure fate that I landed a job at a store which thrived on the sports that I was active in. Immediately I was introduced to the amazing community of people and athletes that surround Mojo and the Nordic Heritage Sport Club.
Tons of memories.
-Mountain biking for the first time on singletrack, at night, with Chad, Mike, Chris, and Eileen.
-Brent's Slo Mo Triathlon, hungover. Mike and Von and I decide to do it the night before during a night of drinking.
-Morning swims at Gentile with Erika and Kim
-Running on sunday mornings with Mel, Kyle, Lee, Kim, and Georgina(who has fattened me up!!!); and The Christmas Run on the sunday before the big Holiday, when we spent the morning running to people houses to wish them a merry christmas.
-Big St Patty's Party at the Caverhills.
-Good Times Rides then beers with the whole gang...sometimes having to have the afterparty at the store!
-Mornings BSing with the Northern PT crew
-Nights in Mel's or Penny's Backyard, and the great food both cooked for me.
-Penny's BackPorch Nights, solving the world's problems..heck LIVING at Penny's. She let me shower, do laundry, and fed me so many times. My life would have been a lot more difficult without her the last couple of months.
-Running with Mortland and Barb to Houlton...and running through the night on treadmill with Mortland.
-Lifting with Kate Hanes
-New Years Party, and dancing "wax on, wax off" with Kate and Ralph
-Dinners with Kate and Ralph Knowles
-Aroostook Dirty 30
So much more. I had some of the best times of my life here.
Never will I know a place with friends like I have here. REAL people, who ride, run, swim, LIVE, and still aren't afraid to let loose and have a good time.
The level of support I have received as an athlete from everyone I know in Aroostook County is mindboggling, and it will be repaid in one way or another.
While I hate to leave the people, the reasons I leave aren't secret. People who know me know that I've been striving to remove myself from the retail profession for a long time.
It's opportunity downstate, and lack of it here that forces me to pull up my roots once again and find a new location.
No smooth way of saying it...I will miss seeing all of my friends here in Aroostook County.